Author Archives: chuy

Mixteco Immigrants in California Struggle to Get Social Services in their Language

In Kern County, residents report that when they go to get healthcare, to their children’s schools, or to ask for emergency help, a lot of the time they can’t find an interpreter who speaks the same language.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

More Protections for Guest Workers Sought in Washington

Congressman Raúl Grijalva offered to present a reform plan. Some hope it will include flexibility to change employers, a guarantee of 100 percent of promised hours, and permission to stay in the United States if the worker is abused.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Families Protest Eviction in Arizona

Although the local authorities say the housing conditions are unsafe, the residents respond that this is a case of discrimination.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

California Bill Would Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Buy On Health Exchange

If the bill becomes law, the federal government would still have to approve an exemption, to allow undocumented immigrants buy health insurance plans on Covered California.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics, Health |

Real-Life Border Drama Goes On Stage

With music, videos, poetry, and testimony, the play portrays the border patrol, coyotes, migrants, drug cartels on both sides of the border, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Urban Arts Collaborative: Free Creative Expression

“Art is nature, art is healing” is what the motto from a group of artists from Salinas, California who create safe spaces for free creative expression.

Posted in Youth Focused |

Mexican Farm Workers Call for Boycott Against California Fruit Giant

A farm worker leader from the San Quintín Valley, an agro-export enclave in Northern Mexico, travels to the United States calling for a boycott against the products of Driscoll’s, the leading supplier of berries in this country.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Mexico |

California Airplane Janitors Accuse Employer of Withholding Overtime Pay

The irregular form of shrinking or expanding the hours of breaks and lunches, as well as start and end time, according to the company’s needs, made González’s workdays start around 9 a.m. and end after 7 p.m.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

From Child to Social Justice Activist

A girl’s 15th birthday party, or quinceañera, in Los Angeles, went beyond the traditional ceremony celebrating the transition of a girl into a woman, and became a double rite of passage, celebrating the transition of a young, ordinary citizen into an active, promising community leader. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, witnessed Kenia Castillo’s […]

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics |

Drivers License for Undocumented Living in California

Assembly Bill 60 will provide a driver’s license to undocumented immigrants living in California, once they meet all the qualifications. The Department of Motor Vehicles expects that 1.4 million people will apply.

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |