Author Archives: chuy

Health Fairs Fill a Void in Rural California Valley

There are so many uninsured people and so many health problems here that health fairs are organized regularly by volunteer doctors.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Low-Income Families Struggle to Find Quality Childcare

In California, a bill awaiting Governor Brown’s signature seeks to guarantee quality care, by preparing childcare workers better.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Youth |

Immigrants Ask Pope Francis to Intercede for Reform

“On this continent, too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities. Is this not what we want for our own children?” said Pope Francis.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Families Protest Hate Speech in Republican Debate

The second Republican presidential debate, held in Simi Valley, California, again brought up the issues of closing borders, removing the right to citizenship for children of immigrants, and deporting immigrants, as a response to a failed immigration system. Outside the Reagan Library, where the debate was held, a group of union leaders, activists, and families […]

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Politics |

Why Aren’t More DACA Recipients Applying for MediCal?

In California, young immigrants who have benefited from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and who are low-income, can apply for health insurance for low-income individuals.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Health |

Neighbors Organize for Parks In a City Sorely Lacking Green Space

Fresno, the biggest city in California’s Central Valley, is one of the country’s cities with the fewest public parks available for its population and that keeps them least well-maintained.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

Hondurans Call on Congress to Act for Central American Refugees

The group asked members of Congress to stop deportations and establish an urgent, humanitarian policy toward Central American exiles.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Guatemalans in Arizona Have Mixed Feelings About Crisis

In less than a week, the president resigned, was arrested for alleged corruption, and Guatemalans voted in primary elections for a new president.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Drought Relief

Drought Relief crowd funding site aims to help California families with wáter supply. Guest: Daisy Gonzalez, Central Coast Program Assistant for Enviromental Justice Coalition for Water

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |

A “Dirty Dozen”: Companies That Routinely Steal Wages

In California, hundreds of thousands of workers receive less than minimum wage, or don’t get paid for overtime, or don’t get breaks they are due by law. In order to expose some of those responsible to public shame, a wide labor coalition just published a list of a dozen companies that consistently commit this kind of […]

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |