Author Archives: chuy

Mexico’s Government Responds To Teacher Protest with Brutal Violence

Videos and photographs show police shooting at protesting teachers.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Mexico |

Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action, Blocks DAPA/DACA

The highest court in the nation dumped a bucket of cold water and the hopes of nearly 5 million undocumented immigrants.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Fracking and Its Economic Effects in Communities

Local groups are joining forces for environmental justice and to let oil companies know they are not welcome to drill in their communities. Guests: Margaret Rebecchi, Demetrio Pruneda, & Samuel Ramos, Protect Monterey County

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |

Bicycling with Safety

Enjoy outdoor activities learn to ride your bicycle safely, comfortably and predictably. Youth radio hosts speak with advocates for safe bicycling in Monterey County. Guest: Mari Lynch, Founder of and Jerry Ramos, Bicycling Youth Advocate in Monterey County

Posted in Youth Focused |

Kids on the Frontline: Rural children and Pesticide Health Harms

Agricultural pesticides used in California increasingly linked to childhood cancers and neurological harm; Policy-makers urged to protect children living on “frontline” Guests: Mark Weller, Acting Program Director Pesticide Reform & Juan Martinez, Salinas Valley Community Activist

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Mi Casa – Center For Dreamers

Hartnell Community College in Salinas, California launches Center for Achievement and Student Advancement (Casa), in support to students regardless of their residency status. Guests: Ana Gonzalez, Mi Casa Program Assistant and Adriana Gonzalez, Student

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |

Latinos underrepresented in STEM Careers

Latinos are not studying careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Closing the gap to recruit students into STEM careers will not be an easy work. This is conversation about the barriers Latinos encounters when studying for a STEM career and the resources are available to help them. Guests: Luis Ramon Mireles, Molecular Biology graduate […]

Posted in Latin Alternative |

H2A jobs & Update on AB-60 Driver License

A representative from the Employment Development Department informs about H2A jobs and provides a list of open positions in agriculture in the state of California. Also, recent updates about AB-60 driver licenses for undocumented living in California. Guests: Fracisco Macias, from the Employment Development Department and Armando Botello, Director of Communications, Department of Motor Vehicles […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

H2A jobs & SB 75 MediCal Full Care Coverage

A representative from the Employment Development Department informs about H2A jobs and provides a list of open positions in agriculture in the state of California. California Senate Bill 75 will provide full Medi-Cal coverage to all under 19 years old, regarding their legal status, but they do need to comply with the all MediCal requirements […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Dreamers Club

Everett Alvarez’s High School Dreamers’ Club in Salinas, CA, a student-led organization, seeks to raise awareness, create community, and advocate for immigration reform. We provide students and families with resources, community service opportunities, and support with college applications and scholarships, as well as information regarding the Dream Act and DACA. Guests: Ms. Ana Barrera, Mr.Jason […]

Posted in Youth Focused |