Search Results for: incendios
(Español) Arde Maui y mueren 36 personas en los incendios, ¿anticipando lo que viene?
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(Español) Los incendios forestales masivos de Colorado dificultan la obtención de seguros
(Español) California creó el primer grupo de seguros de último recurso administrado por el estado en la década de 1960; pero no debido a los desastres naturales sino después de que las compañías de seguros se retiraran de las ciudades del interior debido a los disturbios raciales.
Extra Edition: Ag-Tech Jobs. Also, Wildfire Protections for Farmworkers.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 PROGRAM # 9795 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Ag-Tech Jobs. The Biden administration will invest millions in California’s San Joaquin Valley to create an agriculture-technology hub and promote new, ag-tech and engineering-based jobs. But some worry these initiatives may not lead to better jobs for farmworkers. Guest: Melissa Montalvo, Reporter, The Fresno […]
(Español) Piden hacer valer protecciones contra el humo de incendios en el estado de WA
Recent wildfires in central and western Washington state have exposed thousands of farm workers to dangerous toxic fumes. Despite the fact that the labor authorities have just put advanced protective measures into effect, there are workers who assure that some employers are not complying with them.
(Español) Las Vegas, NM, con los días contados para el agua, por las cenizas de los incendios
(Español) “Ya la gente de Nuevo México estaban impuesta a conservar mucha agua. Porque estamos en esta sequía, ¿no? Y ahora con este nuevo desastre le pedimos a la gente que no gaste más de 44 galones por persona al día. Y la gente lo cumplió…”.
(Español) Responde Oregon con medidas más exitosas que en el pasado a incendios forestales
(Español) Lo primero que funcionó fueron os sistemas de alerta. Los residentes del área recibieron las órdenes de evacuación puntualmente. Lo segundo es que se puso de inmediato el ataque inicial al incendio y tuvimos como respuesta m de 15 agencias estatales, bomberos de muchísimos otros condados…”.
New Heat Wave Ranking Law. Oregon on High Alert for Wildfires. From Burning Hills to Polluted Water Supply.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 PROGRAM # 9749 12:00 PM PT New Heat Wave Ranking Law. As record-breaking heat waves exploded in California, Gov. Newsom signed a law to establish a first-in-the-nation heatwave ranking and warning system to protect communities that are most at risk to these deadly climate threats. The law would also improve access to […]
Children in Northern California Learn to Cope with ‘Toxic Stress’ from Wildfires
As California’s wildfires become more frequent and intense, many children are experiencing stress, depression, and anxiety. To address this, officials plan to offer mental health services in shelters during emergencies.
Wildlands Fire Protection. Also, Preparing to Survive Disasters.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 PROGRAM #9733 12:00 PM PT Wildlands Fire Protection. Western states are at higher risk of deadly wildfires, which are getting worse as each year more areas are burned. Why so many wildfires? How can those disasters be averted? An expert shares findings of a study to reduce fuel and protect communities from […]