Search Results for: Javier Valdez
Journalist Javier Valdez Killed in Mexico.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 PROGRAM # 8078 12:00 PM PST. Journalist Javier Valdez Killed in Mexico. The murder of veteran Mexican journalist Javier Valdéz has sparked protests around Mexico and the US. Valdez, who was known for investigating drug trafficking and corruption, became the seventh journalist to be killed in Mexico this year. In this program, […]
(Español) “Que nos maten a todos… No al silencio”: Javier Valdez Cárdenas
(Español) Trascendió que en México han sido asesinados 126 informadores de 2000 a la fecha. En 2016, en términos de riesgo para la vida de los periodistas, México ocupó el tercer sitio a escala global, sólo por detrás de Siria (177 asesinatos) y Afganistán (120)
(Español) #nuestravozesnuestrafuerza ¡No al silencio!
(Español) Desde Estados Unidos, nos solidarizamos con nuestros colegas de México, al tiempo que exhortamos con toda urgencia al gobierno mexicano a investigar con prontitud y a profundidad el reciente asesinato de Javier Valdez, y a poner un hasta aquí al historial de impunidad que ha rodeado a prácticamente todos los asesinatos de periodistas hasta la fecha.
U.S. Leaders Condemn a Wave of Assassinations of Mexican Journalists
The veteran reporter Javier Valdez was recently assassinated in Mexico, becoming the seventh journalist killed in that country so far this year. Valdez’s death generated widespread denunciation and protests due to the international acclaim he earned during his career, spent investigating drug trafficking and its links with high-raking politicians and businesspeople.
Infrastructure Bill. New Civil Rights March. Test for Hate Crime Bill.
THURSDAY, JULY 29 PROGRAM # 9333 12:00 PM PDT Infrastructure Bill. Bipartisan infrastructure talks are now in limbo, and progressive Democrats are moving to increase the bottom line of the social spending bill in case the deal with Republicans falls apart. This is a report on the work to finalize the bipartisan bill and the […]
(Español) Bloquea juez regla de “carga pública” y abre acceso a la atención médica para inmigrantes
(Español) “Los inmigrantes que buscan pasar por el proceso consular no estarán sujetos a la prueba de carga pública utilizada por el Departamento de Estado”.
(Español) Demandan al gobierno de México investigar espionaje a periodistas y abogados
(Español) Comentaristas mexicanos, abrumados por la respuesta temprana del gobierno de México, que consideró a algunos como muy defensivos, y la reafirmación de la opinión ampliamente extendida de que el gobierno está más interesado en preservar su autoridad que en hacer cumplir el estado de derecho”.
Despite Dangers, Mexican Mothers Exhume and Search for Disappeared Children
Faced with the indifference of Mexican authorities, a group of mothers known as “The Searchers” (Las Buscadoras) have united to form search teams to locate the remains of their loved ones, who were the victims of forced disappearance in the northern state of Sinaloa.
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Immigrants Seek to Expunge their Records to Avoid Deportation
*Is the Newly Freed Puerto Rican Nationalist a Hero? In New York, it’s a Debate
*U.S. Leaders Condemn a Wave of Assassinations of Mexican Journalists
Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, MAY 19 PROGRAM # 8070 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Communicators and activists protest in front of the Mexican Ministry of the Interior, demanding justice for the murder of Javier Valdez Cárdenas, a journalist who was shot to death in Culiacán Sinaloa, and worked for La Jornada and Ríodoce. At the rally held in […]